Explore Thirasia, one of the Cycladic Islands in the Aegean Sea, by discovering a rich collection of original information and photographs based on on-site observation and personal experiences.• Highlights of Thirasia: the particular advantages and the distinct identity of each location.• Comprehensive coverage of all main service points in Thirasia (accommodation, dining, entertainment) and basic information (health centers, police, tourist information) about each part of the island.• Ability to use maps of Thirasia both offline and online, with optional user-defined parameters (the off-line mode reduces your phone bill, so you can explore Thirasia without spending extra money).• Reliable evaluation of all the points of interest in Thirasia by the exploring team of EG.• Ability to search for the information you need about the Cycladic Islands using multiple search criteria.• Ability to set points of interest in Thirasia as favorites.• Option to add and share comments and reviews for each point of interest in Thirasia.• Ability to create a personalized Thirasia Guide.• Multilingual support (English / Greek).• Integration with our Tourist Portal, www.exploring-greece.gr*****Download the app now so you can discover Thirasia step by step.*****